Background Checks


All managers/coaches, assistant coaches, and any other adult who will interact with players on the field must complete a LiveScan.

Please get LiveScanned, direct your assistant coaches to do so, and inform your parents that anybody helping on the field must also complete a LiveScan.

If you’ve done LiveScan for another organization, you need to do it again for Redondo Sunset because other organizations cannot share information with each other (e.g., AYSO can’t share info with us and vice versa).

If you’ve already done LiveScan for Redondo Sunset this year or last year, you do not have to do it again.

The LiveScan application form for Redondo Sunset can be downloaded here. Complete it and take it to Safe & Secure located at 4172 S. Pacific Coast Hwy #103, Torrance 90505 (located at the corner of PCH/Anza) they are open 9:00am- 6:00pm M-F and by appointment on Saturdays (310)373-3202.

A LiveScan background check is required by state law.

** View background check status.


Every coach must complete three training courses:

The first course is required by state and federal law; the second two by state law.

Assistant coaches and any other adult interacting with players on the field must also complete the Abuse Awareness course. The others are also recommended for those personnel.

We know these requirements may be new to many of our coaches, but they are required for the safety of our players.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your division VP or our baseball commissioner.

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